Trees, Knots, and Outriggers: Environmental Knowledge in the Northeast Kula Ring. By Frederick H. Damon. 2017. Berghahn, New York. 375 pp.

  • Patricia K. Townsend Department of Anthropology, University at Buffalo
Keywords: Calophyllum, Papua New Guinea, Muyuw Island

Author Biography

Patricia K. Townsend, Department of Anthropology, University at Buffalo
Patricia K. Townsend is Research Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the State University of New York at Buffalo.
How to Cite
Townsend, P. K. (2018). Trees, Knots, and Outriggers: Environmental Knowledge in the Northeast Kula Ring. By Frederick H. Damon. 2017. Berghahn, New York. 375 pp. Ethnobiology Letters, 9(2), 101-102.