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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The corresponding author has completed the Ethnobiology Letters Ethics Declaration and uploaded it as a Supplementary File (although this item applies only to original research papers, you must check this item to proceed to the next page).
  • Three to five suggested reviewers have been included in the Comments for the Editor space at the bottom of this page (although this item applies only to peer reviewed Research Communications, Perspectives, and Data, Methods & Taxonomy papers, you must check this item to proceed to the next page).
  • References Cited follow the Ethnobiology Letters Author Guidelines. Reference URLs and DOIs have been provided where appropriate.
  • Complete and accurate affiliations and contact information for all authors has been provided in the online submission (Step 3: Enter Metadata). Author bio statements are up to date, written in full sentences, and do not exceed two sentences or 200 characters (upon publications, these will display on the public website).

Author Guidelines

Updated January 2, 2015.

Submitting through the Ethnobiology Letters Online System

Your diligence in closely following our guidelines is part of what makes our free, open-access publishing possible.

First-Time Submissions

Step 1. Start

  1. Select the appropriate Journal Section for your submission.
  2. Read and check all items in the Submission Checklist.
  3. Read and agree to the Copyright Notice.
  4. In the Comments for the Editor field, please tell us why your submission is appropriate for publication in Ethnobiology Letters. For peer-reviewed papers (Research Communications, Perspectives, Short Topical Reviews, and Data, Methods & Taxonomy), include three to five suggested reviewers with full names and e-mail addresses.

Step 2. Upload Submission

  1. Choose and upload your main manuscript file (.docx, .doc, .rtf files only). Figures and tables should be embedded within this document after References Cited and before Tables (see below). Do not upload figures and tables as separate files at this time.

Step 3. Enter Metadata

  1. Fully complete all author fields accurately, including and affiliations and contact information. All authors must be added by clicking Add Author and fully completing all fields. To update your own information, click on the triangle next to your name and choose "Edit".
  2. The Affiliation field must be fully and accurately completed with the following information for all authors: Department, Institution (or Independent Scholar), City. Do not include street address, zip code, or country in this field.
  3. Select each author’s country from the list.
  4. In the Bio Statement field, write a short up-to-date description of each author’s interests or activities. These statements must be written in full sentences and not exceed two sentences or 200 characters. Upon publication, these will display on the public website below the author’s affiliation information. The following is an example of an appropriate bio statement: “Cecil H. Brown is a linguistic anthropologist with interests in ethnobiology, historical linguistics, and Native American languages.” Note: no article will be reviewed if submitted without a complete Bio Statement for every author that matches the format and length limit described above.
  5. Title and abstract information must match the title and abstract in your submission manuscript exactly.
  6. Keywords should be the same as in your submission manuscript (see below). However, the keyword terms in this online submission field should be separated by semi-colons (;) rather than commas. Capitalize the first word of each term.
  7. Under Contributors and Supporting Agencies, list all sources of financing for the study reported in your submission. Separate them with a semi-colon (e.g. John Doe Foundation; Master University, Department of Computer Science).
  8. Under References, reproduce the contents of your References Cited (see below). Add a blank line (carriage return) between each reference.

Step 4. Upload Supplementary Files

  1. Upload the following types of documents as supplementary files: Ethics Declaration (required for research papers), multimedia files, large annexes or tables to be published as separate files linked to the online version of the paper (see below).
  2. At this stage of submission, figures and tables should be embedded in the main manuscript, not uploaded as supplementary files.
  3. Accurately complete all Supplementary File Metadata fields.
  4. Upload file and click Save.

Step 5. Confirmation

  1. Your submission is not complete until you click Finish Submission and receive a confirmation message.

Revisions and Resubmissions

Submit revisions and resubmissions by updating your original submission record. Do not create a new record (follow instructions in the decision letter you received). When you upload a revision or resubmission, you must also update the online submission metadata. While logged into the system and viewing your submission record:

  1. On the Summary page, click EDIT METADATA.
  2. Update any outdated, incorrect, or incomplete author information.
  3. Verify that all author Bio Statements are complete and accurate (see above).
  4. Update the title, abstract, and keywords to reflect the contents of your new manuscript.
  5. Replace the contents of the References field, reproducing the References Cited from your new manuscript. Add a blank line (carriage return) between each reference.
  6. Click Save Metadata.

Whereas figures (charts and images) were embedded in your initial manuscript, they must be uploaded as separate high-resolution files (see specifications below) when uploading final revised manuscripts.

  1. On the Summary page, click ADD A SUPPLEMENTARY FILE.
  2. Complete all Supplementary File Metadata fields.
  3. Include source or credit information for reproduction of artwork and photographs. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain and disclose any necessary permission.
  4. Upload file and click Save.

Tips for Passing Initial Editorial Review

In order to increase the chances your paper with move forward to editorial or peer review, please take care to avoid some of the most common submission mistakes:

  1. Due to limited resources, we are unable to conduct extensive copyediting of manuscripts. If English is not your primary language, you should seek the assistance of a native speaker of English with technical experience in your field of study. Manuscripts with unacceptable writing will be returned to the author(s).
  2. Bibliographical references must be prepared according to this Ethnobiology Letters style guide. Pay special attention to formatting author names, journal article titles, publishers, web resources, and articles with DOIs (see below).
  3. The relevance of your question, findings, and argument must be clearly communicated and effectively situated with respect to relevant literature.
  4. Research articles must fully describe recruitment or sample methodologies. Descriptions of quantitative results should include study population size, sample size, measures of variance and/or significance. Similar values must be rounded to the same number of decimal places.

Formatting Manuscripts for Submission to Ethnobiology Letters

Manuscript Format

  1. Manuscripts must be in one of the following formats: .docx, .doc, .rtf.
  2. Use Times New Roman font, 12 pt.
  3. Double-space entire manuscript with the exception of table and figure contents.
  4. Figures and tables should be embedded within the manuscript (after References Cited and before Tables) until final submission, when figures should be sent as separate high-resolution files (see specifications below).

Manuscript Organization

Peer-reviewed articles (research communications; data, methods & taxonomies; perspectives; short topical reviews) must follow the following order. You may download a manuscript template for peer-reviewed articles here.

  1. Cover page with title and author information
  2. Abstract
  3. Keywords
  4. Main manuscript
  5. Notes (optional)
  6. Acknowledgments (optional)
  7. Ethics declarations
  8. References cited
  9. Figures (optional)
  10. Tables (optional)
  11. Supplementary Files (uploaded separately)

Articles that are not peer-reviewed (reviews and interviews) must follow the following order. You may download a manuscript template for review articles here.

  1. Title
  2. Author information
  3. Main manuscript
  4. Notes (optional)
  5. Acknowledgments (optional)
  6. References cited (if needed)
  7. Figures (optional)
  8. Tables (optional).

See below for more information about formatting each section.

Writing Conventions: Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar

  1. Use only commonly recognized acronyms that facilitate comprehension by readers. Acronyms must be introduced in parentheses at first full mention.
  2. Terms, phrases, and living organism names in any language other than English should be written in italics. Otherwise, all text should follow American rules for spelling (e.g., color, NOT colour). Exceptions to this are direct quotes and words in the titles of cited documents written in regionally specific English.
  3. Use US English spelling and grammatical conventions, including: punctuation precedes closing quotation marks, comma precedes last item of a series of three or more, note reference numbers are placed inside punctuation (see below).
  4. Bold text is only used in titles and headings. Indicate emphasis with italics, not bold or underlining.
  5. Indent extended quotations (three or more lines) by 0.5” on both the left and right margins; do not use quotation marks.
  6. Double quotation marks are sometimes used to indicate words or phrases that are used in an unusual way or to indicate the author’s disagreement with the accepted meaning. These are sometimes referred to as “scare quotes” or “ironic quotes” and should be used sparingly, if at all. They should not be used solely for emphasis. American usage avoids single quotation marks except to mark quotations within quotations, or to denote the English gloss of non-English words and phrases.
  7. Use words to indicate values less than or equal to ten, unless part of a measurement or a numerical series, in which case numerals should be used. Numerals should be used for values greater than ten.
  8. Reference to centuries and millennia should be spelled out (e.g., seventeenth century, the mid-twentieth century, the third millennium BCE). Reference to decades is context dependent (e.g., the 1890s saw an enormous increase…; during the thirties, traffic decreased…).
  9. Percentages should normally be expressed as a numeral with the percentage sign (%), unless they begin a sentence. For example, “Wood charcoal made up 16% of the assemblage” but “Sixteen percent of the assemblage consisted of wood charcoal.”
  10. Era and radiocarbon time scale abbreviations do not use periods (e.g., AD; BC; BP).
  11. When presenting dates, do not use spaces between ranges, and write “yrs”, not “years” (e.g., 1200–2400 cal yrs BP). Use an en dash (–) rather than a hyphen to separate dates.
  12. Clarifying statements should follow an em dash after the initial statement (e.g., initial statement—clarifying statement). Do not use en dashes.
  13. Use metric units for all measurements (e.g., cm, m, ha, kg). Measurements cited from another work that uses Imperial or US customary systems of measurement (e.g., inch, foot, yard) are an exception to this rule.
  14. Country names should be spelled out in running text (e.g., United States) but may be abbreviated in tables if accompanied by a key. Mailing addresses should include full country names except for the United States (USA) and United Kingdom (UK).
  15. Nesting parentheses should be done with square brackets. For example: Pine-Bush (Ericameria pinifolia [A. Gray] H. M. Hall).

Identification of Living Organisms

Authors should identify a living organism by its full scientific name the first time it is mentioned in the article.

The most up-to-date nomenclature for plant names can be found at TROPICOS or GRIN, which mainly concern American taxa, or Kew Gardens’ World Checklist for Plant Names, the Index Nominum Genericorum, or the International Plant Names Index for other geographic regions. Good sources for current nomenclature on animals and birds are The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature and the International Ornithological Congress.

For this journal, full scientific names include genus and species. For example, upon the first mention of bobcat in an article, the author should write: Lynx rufus. For the common house fly, the reference would be: Musca domestica. Alternatively, one may place the scientific name after the common or vernacular non-English name, as follows: bobcat (Lynx rufus) or house fly (Musca domestica). Due to copy editing and proofing costs, we no longer include authority names with scientific names.

The one exception to this directive regards archaeological and paleontological taxa for which it may be inappropriate to claim taxonomic assignments precisely equivalent to modern type specimens (i.e. holotypes, hence, genus + species + authority) in lieu of supporting genetic analysis. Therefore, to allow for and accommodate such taxa, names are acceptable as assigned to any given taxonomic rank, i.e. order, family, genus, species, etc., according to convention and without including the authority for a modern named equivalent. In addition, commonly recognized analytical taxa, e.g. “Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae” (or “cheno-am”) in pollen analytical research, are also acceptable.

After first mention, a living organism should usually be identified by the first initial of the genus and the full species term only or by the common English name. For example, after mentioning it once, the Madagascar girdled lizard should be identified as: Madagascar girdled lizard or Z. madagascariensis. Exceptions include lists of species in the same genus and multiple genus names starting with the same letter. In the latter case, genus names should be abbreviated with the minimum number of letters necessary to distinguish them. For example, in subsequent references, the neotropical ants Acromyrmex coronatus and Atta sexdens should be written as Ac. coronatus and At. sexdens, unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence.

Common English names for living organisms should not be italicized. Non-English vernacular names for living organisms should appear in italics with no initial capital (unless at the beginning of a sentence). For example, the indigenous name in the Xavante language for red brocket deer is pône. Common names for plants and animals should not be capitalized unless there is a proper noun in the specific name. For example, Douglas-fir and Saskatoon berry versus salal berry and western red cedar. Birds are an exception to this rule. If the common English name for a bird refers to a single taxonomic species, then its name is always capitalized. Thus, Bald Eagles vs. eagles.

Capitalization of “Indigenous” as Ethnic Identifier

Recognizing there are a diversity of opinions as to whether the word “indigenous” should be capitalized when used as an ethnic identifier (e.g., “Indigenous peoples”), this decision is left to the discretion of authors. However, capitalization must be consistent throughout the paper and other uses (e.g., “indigenous plants”) are not to be capitalized.

Location of Voucher Specimens

The locations where voucher specimens have been deposited for curation should be included in a note or in the acknowledgements.

Parts of the Manuscript


Titles are flush-left, bold, and in mixed case with all major words capitalized (title case). If scientific names appear in the title, do not include authority and family information.

For single book reviews, the title is the reviewed book’s full bibliographical reference, including the following information, which should be obtained from the book or the publisher’s website: Book Title. “By” Author(s). Year. Publisher, City. Pages. Translated books must name the translator. For edited books, write “Edited by.” For example:

African Ethnobotany in the Americas. Edited by Robert Voeks and John Rashford. 2013. Springer, New York. 429 pp.

Beyond Nature and Culture. By Philippe Descola. Translated by Janet Lloyd. 2013. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 463 pp.

For other kinds of single-item reviews (films, exhibitions, etc.), the title also contains full bibliographical information. In the case of films or videos, specify the medium: film, DVD, etc. For example:

Nanook of the North: A Story of Life and Love in the Actual Arctic. Directed and produced by Robert J. Flaherty. 1922. Révillon Frères. Film.

Frida Kahlo's Garden. Curated by Adriana Zavala. 2015. New York Botanical Garden, New York. May 16–November 1. Exhibition.

Review essays of more than one book, film, or exhibition should have unique titles, with full bibliographical information listed in alphabetical order, as first-order headings, immediately preceding the first paragraph of the review.

Authors and Affiliations

For research papers, all authors should have contributed substantially to all of the following: (1) study design or data collection, (2) data analysis or interpretation of results, and (3) approval of the final manuscript. Other contributors not meeting these criteria should be recognized in the acknowledgments.

Author names should be written out with full first and last names. Middle initials are separated with periods and spaces. Author affiliations and contact information should follow this format:

Author1*, Author2, and Author2
1Department, Institution, City, Country. 2Department, Institution, City, Country.
*email@address.edu (for corresponding author only).


Peer-reviewed articles (Research Communications; Perspectives; Data, Methods & Taxonomies; Short Topical Reviews) must include an informative one-paragraph abstract that briefly (in fewer than 250 words) summarizes the article. The main abstract must be written in English. You have the option of submitting an abstract in another language if you want to reach a wider audience. If a second language abstract is submitted, it should follow the same format as the English version. We do not copyedit non-English abstracts.


Immediately following the abstract, provide between four and six keyword terms that characterize the content of the manuscript for indexing purposes. Capitalize the first word of each term and separate terms with commas. Keyword terms should be widely recognizable in your field and not repeat terms in the article title. Do not use idiosyncratic terms as keywords.


First-order headings are flush-left, bold, and in mixed case with all major words capitalized. Begin the text after the heading on the next line and do not indent. Subsequent paragraphs in the same section should be indented. For example:

This is a First-Order Heading

Second-order headings are flush-left, in italics, and in mixed case with all major words capitalized. Begin the text after the heading on the next line and do not indent. Subsequent paragraphs in the same section should be indented. For example:

This is a Second-Order Heading


You may use numbered endnotes for brief explanatory or digressive text. Do not use notes to reference website URLs; these should be cited as bibliographical references listed in the References Cited section (see below). If you use software to organize these notes, you must convert them to regular text and remove any embedded field codes before submission. In-text references to endnotes are superscript and appear inside regular punctuation. For example:

Sequential note references are placed inside1, not outside, regular punctuation2.

The notes should appear immediately after the main text at the end of the manuscript under a separate second-order heading (Notes). Notes should appear in plain text (not system-generated fields) in the following format:

1First note.

2Second note.


If you would like to recognize others who contributed to the study or paper but did not participate as authors (see criteria above), include acknowledgments under a separate second-order heading (Acknowledgments), located after the main text and Notes, but before Ethics Declarations and References Cited.

Ethics Declarations

For research papers, include ethics declarations under a separate second-order heading (Declarations), located after the main text, Notes, and Acknowledgements, but before References Cited. These declarations should reproduce the content of your Ethics Declaration, which should accompany your submission (see above). Declarations should be written in full sentences according to the format:

Permissions: Write your declaration here.

Sources of Funding: Write your declaration here.

Conflicts of Interest: Write your declaration here.

Bibliographical References

In-Text Citations

In-text bibliographical citations refer to full citations listed in the References Cited. Use in-text bibliographical citations and corresponding references for all source material, irrespective of type. Links to web pages and other Internet sources are not to be inserted in-text, but rather are cited in the same manner as other bibliographical sources (see below).

Do not separate last name and year with a comma:

This information is considered important for the management and conservation of marine habitats (Drews 2005).

Quotations and other page-specific references use a colon after the date with no space between the colon and the page number:

In one of the best descriptions of the protocol I have found, paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson (1942:144) noted that one first assumes “that the bones of different [taxa] have characteristic forms, more or less constant for any one [taxon].”

Two author citations are separated with “and”:

Compact bone is most often used as an ivory substitute (Espinoza and Mann 2000).

Texts with three or more authors use “et al.” not followed by a comma, not italicized:

Regional approaches comparing faunas from multiple sites analyzed by diverse research teams are becoming more common today (Barberena et al. 2009; Martinez and Gutiérrez 2004; Otaola 2010; Santiago and Vázquez 2011).

Citations within a single set are listed in alphabetical order. Citations by different authors are separated by semi-colons:

In the early history of zooarchaeology, it was paleontologists and zoologists who identified archaeo-logically recovered faunal remains to taxon (e.g., Gilmore 1949; Merriam 1928; White 1953).

Citations within parenthetical statements are bracketed:

Paleontology has had, virtually since it became a distinct science (roughly 200 years ago at the hands of Georges Cuvier [Rudwick 1976]), a standard protocol for reporting identifications.

Multiple citations by the same author are separated with a comma. Citations by the same author and from the same year are distinguished by lower case letters:

My PhD had taken a regional approach to a valley in the northern Rocky Mountains (Driver 1981, 1985a, b; Lyman 1986).

Reference to a figure or figures should be included within the same parentheses as the citations at the end of the same sentence rather than a separate set of parentheses:

Black cats are mellow, and calico cats are crazy (Brown 1982; Mitchell 1993; Smith 2001; Figure 1).

References Cited

Works referred to in the text should be listed in a separate first-order heading (References Cited), located after the main text, Notes, and Ethics Declarations, but before Figures and Tables. Names of authors and editors should have the full surname with first and middle initials separated with periods and spaces. Book and journal titles should be italicized. Do not use abbreviations for journal titles. Do not list works that are not cited in the text. References cited should be in alphabetical order with a hanging indent (see examples below). Journal articles must cite the DOI, if available. Web resources must include access date (see examples below).

Examples of References Cited


Barnett, T. 1999. The Emergence of Food Production in Ethiopia. Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology, vol. 45. Archeopress, Oxford.

Schulenberg, T. S., D. F. Stotz, D. L. Lane, J. P. O’Neill, and T. A. Parker. 2007. Birds of Peru. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.

Translated Books:

Hohenstaufen, F. 1943. The Art of Falconry. C. Wood, F. M. Fyfe, trans. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.

Edited Books:

Wilson, D. E., and D. M. Reeder, eds. 2005. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3rd edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.

Chapters in Edited Books:

Au, T. K., and L. Romo. 1999. Mechanical Causality in Children’s Folkbiology. In Folkbiology, edited by D. C. Medin and S. Atran, pp. 355–402. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Journal Articles with DOI:

Cuerrier, A., N. J. Turner, T. C. Gomes, A. Garibaldi, and A. Downing. 2015. Cultural Keystone Places: Conservation and Restoration in Cultural Landscapes. Journal of Ethnobiology 35:427–448. DOI:10.2993/0278-0771-35.3.427.

Setalaphruk, C., and L. L. Price. 2007. Children’s Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Wild Food Resources: A Case Study in a Rural Village in Northeast Thailand. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 3:33. DOI:10.1186/1746-4269-3-33.

Journal Articles without DOI:

Hiroshi, K. 2015. The Skin as a Surface of Composition: The Use of Animal Body Parts and Plants in Various Practices of the Panamanian Emberá. Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America 13:11–24. Available at: http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/tipiti/vol13/iss2/2/. Accessed on December 19, 2015.

Kensinger, K. M. 1981. Food Taboos as Markers of Age Categories in Cashinahua. Working Papers in South American Indians 3:158–171.

Published and Unpublished Master’s Theses and Doctoral Dissertations:

Daniels, P. S. 2009. A Gendered Model of Prehistoric Resource Depression: A Case Study on the Northwest Coast of North America. Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database (UMI No. 305012620).

Karst, A. 2005. The Ethnoecology and Reproductive Ecology of Bakeapple (Rubus chamaemorus Rosaceae L.) in Southern Labrador. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada.

Motta, P. C. 2007. Os Aracnídeos (Arachnida: Araneae, Scorpiones) na Comunidade Quilombola de Mesquita, Goiás: Um Estudo de Caso sobre Etnobiologia. Master’s thesis, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Brazil. Available at: http://repositorio.unb.br/handle/10482/3013. Accessed on December 23, 2015.

Wolverton, S. 2001. Environmental Implications of Zooarchaeological Measures of Resource Depression. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.


Peri, D. W., and S. M. Patterson. 1979. Ethnobotanical Resources of the Warm Springs Dam: Lake Sonoma Project Area, Sonoma County, California. Report number DACW07-78-C-0040. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco.

Multiple References by Same Author:

Driver, J. C. 1985a. Prehistoric Hunting Strategies in the Crowsnest Pass, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 9:109–129.

Driver, J. C. 1985b. Zooarchaeology of Six Prehistoric Sites in the Sierra Blanca Region, New Mexico. Museum of Anthropology University of Michigan Technical Report 17. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Driver, J. C. 1992. Identification, Classification and Zooarchaeology. Circaea 9:35–47.

Newspapers and Magazines:

Lakhani, N. 2017. Berta Cáceres Court Papers Show Murder Suspects' Links to US-Trained Elite Troops. The Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/28/berta-caceres-honduras-military-intelligence-us-trained-special-forces. Published on February 28, 2017.

Mundo Sputnik News. 2016. Desaparición del Lago Poopó Marca el Desastre Climático del 2016 en Bolivia. Available at: https://mundo.sputniknews.com/ecologia/201612241065806401-desaparicion-lagos-bolivia/. Published on December 23, 2016.

Tokyo Asahi Shimbun. 1939. Radio Broadcasting from Cool Highlands. Published on July 18, 1939.

Websites and Online Resources:

American Artichoke Association. The Amazing Artichoke [web page]. Available at: http://www.artichokeassociation/amazing/.org. Accessed on December 12, 2012.

Ethnobiology Letters. 2016. Author Guidelines [web page]. Available at: http://ojs.ethnobiology.org/index.php/ebl/about/submissions#authorGuidelines. Accessed on January 1, 2016.

Electronic Audiovisual Files/Podcasts:

Pyne, S. 2011. Fire and Life. Interview by Dr. Biology. Ask a Biologist Podcast. Available at: http://askabiologist.asu.edu/podcasts/fire-and-life. Accessed on August 12, 2011.

Conference Presentations:

Balée, W. 2015. Ethnobiology of Saps, Resins, and Latexes. Paper Presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Society of Ethnobiology. Santa Barbara, CA. Available at: https://ethnobiology.org/conference/abstracts/38. Accessed on December 15, 2015.


Flaherty, R. J., dir. 1922. Nanook of the North: A Story of Life and Love in the Actual Arctic [Film]. Révillon Frères, Paris.


Zavala, A., cur. 2015. Frida Kahlo's Garden [Exhibition]. New York Botanical Garden, New York. May 16–November 1.

Works in Review or in Press:

Gremillion, K. J. 2014. Fire Ecology of the Cumberland Plateau, Kentucky. Manuscript submitted to Journal of Ethnobiology. Available from email@address or at http://www.manuscript.com/gremillion2014.

Figures: Charts and Images

All figures (charts and images) should be numbered sequentially as they appear in the text (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). Figure captions are listed at the end of the manuscript, after References Cited and before Tables. Figure captions should include source or credit for reproduction of artwork and photographs. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain and disclose any necessary permissions.

When submitting a manuscript for the first time, figures are to be embedded within the manuscript document, immediately following their respective captions after References Cited and before Tables. Subsequently, when submitting revisions and resubmissions, figures are to be uploaded as separate high-resolution files according to the specifications below.

Charts and images for final submission should be sent separately (uploaded as supplementary files). Bitmap images should be at least 600 dpi .tiff or low-compression .jpg files at full print dimensions (1200 dpi preferred for line art, i.e. black and white only with no shades of gray). Figures should be submitted at a size that will fill a full page width or column without resampling (full page size is 6.5 x 9.0 inches). Photographs should be color or black and white images of good contrast and sharpness.

Graphic charts should be submitted in editable formats, such as MS Word objects, if possible. Charts should be clean and clearly labeled. Shadows and other 3-D effects are discouraged. Chart captions are written in the manuscript text, not within the chart. All axes, elements, and legends must be fully labeled without unnecessary abbreviations.


Tables should be numbered sequentially as they appear in the text. (Table 1, Table 2, etc.), Tables with corresponding captions are listed at the end of the manuscript, after References Cited and Tables.

Tables should have single borders across the top, underlining column headings, and across the bottom (final row). Do not use vertical borders on either side of the table or dividing individual cells. Text should be left-justified, in 10 pt. Calibri font with single spacing. Top and bottom inside margins of cells should be 0.03 inches. Column headings should be in bold text. Use portrait or landscape orientation as needed. Formatting within tables and cells should not be accomplished with such shortcuts as multiple spaces and overlays.

Table legend items should be identified by superscript numbers (1, 2, etc.) or symbols (*, , etc.) within the table, with corresponding notes listed in a single column immediately below the last row.

Table Example:

Supplementary Files

Supplementary files that exceed usual limits, including multimedia files as well as large annexes or tables that are not essential to your paper, should be submitted separately as “Supplementary Files”. These will be published as separate files linked to the online version of the paper. Please cite such materials within the article text according to the format: (Supplementary Figure 1) (Supplementary Table 1) (Supplementary Video 1), etc. Please include the following text on a separate line after the abstract and keywords: “Supplementary Files available at ojs.ethnobiology.org/index.php/ebl.” Also, please insert this text on a separate line after the bibliography: “Supplementary Files are linked to the online version of the paper at ojs.ethnobiology.org/index.php/ebl.”

Interviews & Reflections

Word limit: 3500 words, 10 cited references, two figures, and one video. Short interviews with leading scholars, recently published authors, or community representatives involved in any field of ethnobiology communicate insights, perspectives, or thoughts that build on, but are not reproduced from, the interviewee’s previous literature or productions. Interviews may be conversational and informal in tone, but must be reviewed and authorized by the interviewee prior to submission. Reflections include personal essays, obituaries, memorials, and non-scientific opinion pieces of interest to the ethnobiology community. Interviews and reflections are not peer reviewed but will be evaluated for content and interest by the editors.


Peer reviewed. Ethics declarations required for perspective essays based on original research. Suggested length: 2000-3500 words. Word limit: 5000 words, 30 cited references, two figures, one data table, and one video. Perspective essays present and discuss scholarly opinions, memoirs, and arguments relevant to ethnobiology. Perspectives should present new interpretations or insights based on unpublished original fieldwork or one’s own or others’ previously published material or public ethnobiology activities. Perspectives that present findings from original research must fully describe the methods employed, while those advancing evidence-based claims must appropriately present or cite relevant data.

Short Topical Reviews

Peer reviewed. Suggested Length: 700-1200 words. Word limit: 1500 words, 5-15 cited references, 1 figure). Short Topical Reviews (previously called Mini-Reviews) are brief critical reviews of the most relevant literature on a narrow topic of particular interest or neglect in ethnobiology. It is essential to select a sufficiently narrow topic that may be adequately reviewed within the very limited space allowed. A Short Topical Review need not cite all of the existent literature on a given subject but must cite the most relevant sources given the chosen topic and focus.

Research Communications

Peer reviewed and ethics declaration required. Suggested length: 2000-3500 words. Word limit: 5000 words, 30 cited references, two figures, three data tables, and one video. Research Communications are short original case studies that include context, methods, results, and discussion of the implications of results. Despite the limited space allowed, the description of methods must be sufficiently detailed to permit their evaluation. Research Communications must adequately situate the study and identify the relevance of reported results.

Data, Methods & Taxonomies

Peer reviewed and ethics declaration required. Suggested length: 2000-3500 words. Word limit: 5000 words, 30 cited references, two figures, three data tables, and one video. Data, Methods & Taxonomies articles present innovative approaches and/or communicate ethnobiological data, such as plant taxa and linguistic notes. Data articles containing ethnobotanical lists or other forms of quantitative data must clearly communicate their scientific relevance within the short space allowed. Description of methods must be sufficiently detailed to permit their evaluation.


Word limit: 1000 words. Reviews of books, films, exhibits, and other academic productions should assess the work’s contributions to ethnobiological scholarship, theory, and/or application. We are looking for lively, insightful, and conceptual reviews that go beyond mere description of contents. Writing styles may be creative and personal. Review essays addressing two or more works are welcomed, but should have a clear conceptual rationale for grouping the particular items. In such cases, length limits may be relaxed if warranted by the quality of the analyses or critique presented.

We welcome our review authors to send their reviews to the authors of books they are reviewing ahead of publication if they wish. As a courtesy in return for complimentary hard copies, please send a pdf of your Ethnobiology Letters review to the book press media office once it is published.

A list of available books for review can be found at: Books For Review. If you would like to review materials not on this list, please contact the book review editor, Sarah Walshaw, with your ideas.

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