Shells on a Desert Shore: Mollusks in the Seri World. By Cathy Moser Marlett. 2014. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. 304 pp. $75.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 978-0-8165-3068-7.

  • Nemer E. Narchi Centro de Estudios en Geografía Humana, El Colegio de Michoacán
Keywords: Ethnomalacology, Seri, Sonoran Desert

Author Biography

Nemer E. Narchi, Centro de Estudios en Geografía Humana, El Colegio de Michoacán
Nemer E. Narchi is an Assistant  Professor in the Center for Human Geography Research at El Colegio de Michoacán. Since 2013 he has performed as Associated Director of the Next Generation Sonoran Desert Researchers, a consortium of institutions and researchers working on biocultural conservation across the Arizona-Sonora borderlands.


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Narchi, N. E. 2011. One Knowledge, Two Conduits: The Social, Demographic, and Toxicological Factors that Govern Seri Ethnomedicine. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

How to Cite
Narchi, N. E. (2015). Shells on a Desert Shore: Mollusks in the Seri World. By Cathy Moser Marlett. 2014. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. 304 pp. $75.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 978-0-8165-3068-7. Ethnobiology Letters, 6(1), 63-64.