The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. By Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing. 2015. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. Xii + 331 pp. $29.95 (cloth). ISBN 978-0-6911-6275-1 (cloth), 978-1-4008-7354-8 (eBook).

  • Eugene N. Anderson Department of Anthropology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521.

Author Biography

Eugene N. Anderson, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521.
Eugene N. Anderson is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Riverside.


Stern, T. 1966. The Klamath Tribe: A People and Their Reservation. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA.

How to Cite
Anderson, E. N. (2015). The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. By Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing. 2015. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. Xii + 331 pp. $29.95 (cloth). ISBN 978-0-6911-6275-1 (cloth), 978-1-4008-7354-8 (eBook). Ethnobiology Letters, 6(1), 214-215.
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