The Sea Is My Country: The Maritime World of the Makahs. Joshua L. Reid. 2015. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. 400 pp.

  • Jill Falcon Mackin Montana State University
Keywords: Indigenous lifeways, Indigenous identity, Environmental history, Indigenous history, Fur trade, Marine resources, Whale wars, Ethnobiology, Borderlands, Marine environment, Food systems, Food supply, Sacred ecology, Settler colonialism, Hunting rights

Author Biography

Jill Falcon Mackin, Montana State University
Jill Mackin (Bishkane Mishtadim Ikwe: Ojibwe) is an indigenous-environmental historian and doctoral candidate in History at Montana State University, Bozeman. Her research focuses includes indigneous foodways and land management practices, as well as the relationship between cultural diversity and biodiversity.
How to Cite
Mackin, J. F. (2017). The Sea Is My Country: The Maritime World of the Makahs. Joshua L. Reid. 2015. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. 400 pp. Ethnobiology Letters, 8(1), 101–102.