Does Cognition Still Matter in Ethnobiology?

  • David Ludwig Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation Group, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen
Keywords: Cognitive ethnobiology, Cognitive science, Ethnobiology 5, Applied ethnobiology, Ethnobiological theory, Interdisciplinarity


Ethnobiology has become increasingly concerned with applied and normative questions about biocultural diversity and the livelihoods of local communities. While this development has created new opportunities for connecting ethnobiological research with ecological and social sciences, it also raises questions about the role of cognitive perspectives in current ethnobiology. In fact, there are clear signs of institutional separation as research on folkbiological cognition has increasingly found its home in the cognitive science community, weakening its ties to institutionalized ethnobiology. Rather than accepting this separation as inevitable disciplinary specialization, this short perspective article argues for a systemic perspective that addresses mutual influences and causal entanglement of cognitive and non-cognitive factors in socio-ecological dynamics. Such an integrative perspective requires a new conversation about cognition in ethnobiology beyond traditional polarization around issues of cognitive universals and cultural relativity.

Author Biography

David Ludwig, Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation Group, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen
David Ludwig is assistant professor in the "Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation" Group of Wageningen University in the Netherlands. His background is in philosophy and history of biology and he is interested in connections between ethnobiology and wider theoretical debates.


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How to Cite
Ludwig, D. (2018). Does Cognition Still Matter in Ethnobiology?. Ethnobiology Letters, 9(2), 269-275.