Ethnobiology for the Future: Linking Cultural and Ecological Diversity. Edited by Gary Paul Nabhan. 2016. Arizona University Press, Tucson. 309 pp.

  • John Robert White Department of Anthropology, Tulane University, New Orleans.

Author Biography

John Robert White, Department of Anthropology, Tulane University, New Orleans.
John Robert White is a PhD candidate in anthropology studying ethnobotany and agrobiodiversity. He explores crop and crop wild relative domestication and diversification as Indigenous concept and practice.
How to Cite
White, J. R. (2018). Ethnobiology for the Future: Linking Cultural and Ecological Diversity. Edited by Gary Paul Nabhan. 2016. Arizona University Press, Tucson. 309 pp. Ethnobiology Letters, 9(2), 305-306.