Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany. Edited by Robert C. Clarke and Mark D. Merlin. 2013. University of California Press, Berkeley. 456 pp. $95.00 (hardcover). ISBN 978-0- 520-27048-0.

  • John Rashford Department of Sociology and Anthropology, College of Charleston, 19 St. Philip Street, Room 203, Charleston, SC, USA.
Keywords: Cannabis

Author Biography

John Rashford, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, College of Charleston, 19 St. Philip Street, Room 203, Charleston, SC, USA.

Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, College of Charleston.

How to Cite
Rashford, J. (2015). Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany. Edited by Robert C. Clarke and Mark D. Merlin. 2013. University of California Press, Berkeley. 456 pp. $95.00 (hardcover). ISBN 978-0- 520-27048-0. Ethnobiology Letters, 6(1), 65-65.