Special Issue: Memoirs and Memory
The memoir, as an inherently personal narrative, is sometimes seen at odds with scholarly writing that demands an objective and detached approach. However, the building block of memoirs is the same as what leads to scientific progress: detailed observations. This special issue of Ethnobiology Letters on Memoirs and Memory seeks to cherish the memoir, whenever written, and is based on a belief that the genre can make important contributions to the field of ethnobiology. What follows here is memoir in the broadest sense, both reflection and a return to the past in the form of unpublished data.
Guest Editor: John Richard Stepp
Co-editors: John M. Marston, Elizabeth A. Olson, and James R. Welch
Review Editor: Felice S. Wyndham
Production Editor: Jonathan Dombrosky
Editorial Assistant: Andrew D. Gillreath-Brown
Cover image: Collage by Felice Wyndham